Available Pin Styles

Soft Enamel

Soft Enamel pins are less smooth, often more cost efficient, and allow for more detailed designs and colors to be used.

Hard Enamel

Hard Enamel, sometimes referred to as Imitation Cloisonne, is considerably more durable, increasingly more scratch resistant, and has a higher quality vivid finish.


A 2D pin only has 2 levels, one raised level over a lower recessed level, which means characteristically that most 2D pins being produced will resemble flat surfaced images.


3D pins have vast levels of raised and recessed details, allowing for extensive sculpted detail and more realistic depth in your design.

Offset Printing

Offset printing is a more cost-efficient way to produce a quality pin on a limited budget. The process begins with the outline of your design being cut and shaped from a metal sheet which is then polished and smoothed to create a clean flat surface. A base color coating is then printed over the metal outline. This provides a thin texture for your design to bond to. Finally, your custom design is printed onto the pin and a clear epoxy bubble is applied to provide a protective coating to ensure quality and surface protection.

UV Printing

UV printing can be used to create an exact copy of a picture or a more realistic design onto a pin’s surface. The image can be applied to a 2D or 3D surface depending on what look the is desired. This is a more cost effective process when adding a lot of details to a design.

Copyright/Trademark Disclosure: Pin Queen Productions LLC assumes that all its clients have the expressed authorization for usage of any/all trademarked and/or copyrighted logos/images/words/letters sent for reproduction. There will be no assumption of liability in any trademark/copyright infringement disputes. The client agrees to the assumption of any/all liability resulting from actions/demands brought against Pin Queen Productions LLC for any patent or copyright infringements.